Our Classes

A little introduction to our classes

All of our classes work hard to support our GROW curriculum ensuring that lessons are adapted, engaging and active.

Reception Class

Our Reception class is led by Miss Moss. She works alongside Mrs Moran and Miss Brierley.

If you need to contact Miss Moss then please email r.moss@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is Homework organised?

In Reception, each child is provided with a handwriting book where they practice writing the sounds taught during the week. Each week, two sounds, along with two words that contain these sounds, are written in their handwriting books for the children to trace over, supporting the development of their writing skills. Alongside this, children are given a practical maths activity designed to consolidate the week’s learning. They also have access to the White Rose Maths 1-Minute Maths app, which can be downloaded to any mobile device or tablet, offering a fun and engaging way to reinforce their mathematical understanding at home.

What reading should my child be doing each week?

In Reception, each child is provided with their own booklet containing the sounds they have been taught. After two new sounds have been introduced in phonics lessons, the picture card used in class is added to the children’s phonics sounds booklet, along with tricky words once these have been taught. We recommend practising these daily to support the children in gaining rapid recall of sounds and tricky words. In addition, children are sent home with a phonics book that contains the sounds and tricky words they are confident in reading, and we encourage reading this at least three times a week or more if possible. To further support their learning, the children are given word lists made up of the sounds they have been taught, focusing on words they can recall quickly. These lists help build their confidence and enhance their ability to blend sounds together. Finally, each child is provided with a shared reader book, a picture book to be read by an adult to the child. This helps develop their understanding of story structures and supports the development of their comprehension skills.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than twice per week.

Year 1

Our Year 1 class is led by Mr Strachan. He works alongside Mrs Murray.

If you need to contact Mr Strachan then please email david.strachan@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is Homework organised?

Homework is now focused solely on reading. A Reading Planet book is levelled at your child’s Phonic ability and a shared read that will be used to develop a love of reading and engagement will be sent home every Friday. The shared read should be read with yourself and your child to model intonation and expression as well as challenge. Other homework may be sent home at Mr Strachan’s discretion to support learning if it is required.

What reading should my child be doing each week?
Your child should be reading five times per week. They have access to a Reading Planet book from Mr Strachan. These books may seem basic however Government guidance states that scheme books that the children read at home must not contain sounds that they are not familiar with or have not been taught yet. 

A shared read is given to promote a love of reading. This is not expected for your child to read the ‘shared read’ alone, it is more something that you can look at and discuss together. 

All reading, both children’s and shared, should be logged in their reading record. The children will receive a number of points for different levels of challenges found at the back of their reading record. Once your child reaches 100 points, they will be eligible for a book from our Reading Vending Machine.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than twice per week.

Year 2

Our Year 2 class is led by Mr Fowler. He works 4 days and on the 5 day the class is covered by Miss Stafford. He works alongside Mrs Parsons and Mrs Ireland.

If you need to contact Mr Fowler then please email jim.fowler@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is homework organised?

Homework is now focussed soley on reading. A Rocket Phonics book that is levelled at your child’s phonic ability and a shared read that will be used to develop love of reading and engagement will be sent home every Friday. The shared read should be read with yourself and your child to model intonation and expression as well as challenge. Other homework may be sent home to support learning if required at the teacher’s discretion.

All the reading that your child completes earns them points which go towards earning a book from our reading vending machine.

What reading should my child be doing each week?

Your child should be reading at least five times per week. They have access to an Independent reading book from the teacher and also a ‘Shared’ Reading book. The independent books may seem basic to parents but Government guidance states that books the children are reading cannot contain any sounds they do not know or have been taught. The shared read is given to promote reading for pleasure. I do not expect your child to read the ‘shared read’ alone, it is more something that you can look at and discuss together. Any reading that is completed needs to be entered in our Reading Record logs which need to brought in daily.

Lastly, these books will go home every Friday and need to brought back into school the following Friday.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than twice per week.

Year 3

Our Year 3 class is led by Mr Lander. He works alongside Mrs Forshaw and Mrs Taylor.

If you need to contact Mr Lander then please email james.lander@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is homework organised?

There is an emphasis on reading at Broadway but also children will be sent home with multiplication practice activities

What reading should my child be doing each week?

Your child should be reading at least four or five times a week. They have access to a free choice reading book from the class library and a targeted level reading book to take home. Please can you notify when the child has read their targeted books at home using their reading records so book club books can be changed. Longer books can be up to 2 weeks before it is changed. Please can parents make a comment about fluency of reading and tricky words to explore.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than once per week.

Year 4

Our Year 4 class is led by Mrs Halsaw for 3 days and Mrs Pedder for 2 days. They work alongside Mrs Mellors and Miss Parkington

If you need to contact Mrs Halsaw then please email esther.halshaw@broadway.lancs.sch.uk or Mrs Pedder senco@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is homework organised?

Homework is now focussed soley on reading and multiplication times tables.. A levelled banded book book that is at your child’s reading and comprehension ability will be sent home every Friday. Whilst reading the book together, please utilise the questions at the front of the reading record. There will also be lots of multiplication practice activites to support your child's development of their table facts.

Other homework may be sent home to support learning (at the teacher’s discretion).

What reading should my child be doing each week?

Please read as often as possible, and aim for at least five short 10 minute sessions a week. Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than once per fortnight.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than once per fortnight.

Year 5

Our Year 5 class is led by Mr Smith. He works alongside Mrs Connolly.

If you need to contact Mr Smith then please email scott.smith@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is homework organised?

There is an expectation that all children read very regularly at home. There is also an emphasis on Mathematical activities - these may be through a platform. Other homework may be sent home to support learning (at the class teacher’s discretion).

What reading should should my child be doing each week?

Please read as often as possible (aim for a minimum of four short 5-10 minute sessions per week) and try to read for enjoyment.

It is very important to discuss the meaning of the vocabulary involved – because it is surprising what a child presumes a word means. Please ask your child to explain why characters are acting in certain ways, what their emotions are at key points and encourage them to make predictions about the plot.  Please don’t limit your child’s reading to texts provided by school – newspapers, comics, instructions etc. all enhance your child’s abilities and confidence.

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard read by an adult in school no less than once per fortnight.

Year 6

Our Year 6 class is led by Mr Hampson for 4 days and on the 5 day the class is covered by Mrs Davis. He works alongside Mrs Field and Mrs Sutcliffe.

If you need to contact Mr Hampson then please email peter.hampson@broadway.lancs.sch.uk

How is homework organised?

There is still an expectation that all children read regularly at home. There is also an emphasis on basic skills and learning activities to support this will be sent home. We do not provide direct revision activities for the SATS as we do not believe that pressure is necessary to achieve the best results.

What reading should my child be doing each week?

Ideally your child should be reading their home reading book every night. If this isn’t possible, encourage your child to read as often as possible. Reading should be recorded in your child's reading record and both book and record should be brought into school each day. Even though your child is in Year 6, please don’t stop reading to them either!

How often will school hear my child read?

Your child will be heard by an adult in school no less than once per fortnight.

Please note:

To protect the well being of the staff it is important to note that staff are not expected to email/respond to emails outside of 5pm, weekends or holidays. If they do then this is because they have chosen to manage their time.