Grow Curriculum

We are very proud of our curriculum at Broadway. We have spent a long time ensuring that it is tailored to the needs of our children. Each year children will be taught six topics – these are designed with the children’s interest in mind and not only focus on Literacy and Maths but also the Foundation subjects. We try and encourage as many visits and visitors as possible and ensure that we use the local area to enhance the topics further. We are very proud of our curriculum and will happily discuss it in more detail with parents upon request.

Literacy – Writing

We follow a Mastery approach to English through the programme ‘Pathways to Write.’ Units of work are delivered using high quality texts and children in all year groups are given varied opportunities for writing. Skills are built up through repetition within the units, and children apply these skills in the writing activities provided.  Many opportunities for widening children’s vocabulary are given through the Pathways to Write approach and this builds on the extensive work we do in school to provide our children with a rich and varied vocabulary.

You will find the end of year expectations for writing, reading and spoken language for each of our year groups in the attached documents. For further detail on the skills that your children are learning on a termly basis, please contact your class teacher.

Literacy – Spelling

We follow a mastery approach to the teaching of spelling through the programme ‘Pathways to Spell’. It is a programme designed to deliver the statutory content of the Primary National Curriculum for spelling in key stages 1 and 2. Through weekly teaching of spelling objectives and development of a whole school approach to word transcription, vocabulary development and proof-reading, the programme aims to develop children as proficient spellers.

You will find the end of year expectations for spelling for each of our year groups in the attached documents. For further detail on the skills that your children are learning on a weekly basis, please contact your class teacher.


We believe children should not always be given the answer in Maths and should investigate many different ways to find a solution. We are working with NCTEM to develop our maths further and follow the WhiteRose Maths Curriculum from EYFS to Y6.

WhiteRose Maths Curriculum

Broadway Grow Curriculum

We know at Broadway that ‘These four walls contain the future’ and our curriculum is designed to promote a love of life-long learning and challenge. We embed skills alongside exciting and engaging experiences to prepare our children to become valued members of the community who have an empathetic understanding of the wider-world.

We have designed our curriculum to incorporate the ethos to ‘GROW’ as learners. Each letter is an attribute that we base our teaching and learning on to ensure that the children within our school gain exposure to an exciting, inclusive, and demanding curriculum that embeds physical activity; language rich environments; our wider community; and awe-inspiring visits, trips and activities at its centre point.

We have used the acronym of GROW to drive and support our bespoke Broadway Curriculum. These attributes of learning are the following:

G  =  Get up and Go!        

Active curriculum elements in each lesson and within every subject
Collaborative learning and using Kagan structures to encourage teamwork, perseverance and resilience
Using the outdoor environment. We are proud of our playground and this should be utilised as much as possible as a learning environment as well as a play environment
Opportunities to get our children as active will be utilised at every possibility to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.
R  =  Rich in language and vocabulary

Opportunities to talk and discuss amongst peers utilising a wide range of subject-specific vocabulary
Key knowledge and language to be used and identified by all staff in all lessons.
Inspiring displays that children use to develop their learning
The understanding of subject-specific ‘tier 3’ vocabulary within lessons
O  =  Our Broadway Family

Broadway Broader Family – links made with the wider world to provide exposure to our children of different cultures.
Community links and involvement with our immediate local area. We are proud of our local communities and strive to work alongside them.
Charity – Our house system is based upon local charities that become the focal point of events throughout the academic year.
Values – These are built upon the foundation of our 3Cs (Care, Curiosity and Concentration). These attributes are praised by staff when a child displays these.
Citizenship – we want our children to become valued members of society so teach them about the morals and values that are required to do this. We also promote British Values throughout all areas of our curriculum wherever possible.

W  =  Wonder and Awe

Questioning – We want to deepen our children’s understanding and endeavour to do by implementing open-ended, thought-provoking questions based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Curiosity – Through our topic-based learning, we ensure that children become curious, inquisitive learners who want to question and find the ‘why’ to questions posed.
Trips and visitors – where possible, visitors and tips will be used to provide opportunities that will complement learning and promote excitement.
Practical and first hand experiences – Artefacts, sources of information, role play activities, themed days: all of these will be promoted by staff to inspire our children with their learning.
Enjoyment – our children need to be happy learners. If they are not, learning will not occur. Therefore staff at Broadway embed enjoyment as a key principle that drives teaching and learning within the school.
Please have a look at our Grow Curriculum by clicking below.


We give priority to teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing and maths every day to ensure that all pupils acquire the basic skills for learning and life, and these skills are used, practised  and embedded across other subjects.  

Rocket Phonics is used for the teaching and learning of phonics in Early Years and Key Stage 1.

We teach the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum using a wide range of strategies.


Music Curriculum - Teachers follow our Broadway GROW curricula for the teaching of Music. For children with additional needs the Broadway Grow For all document will also be referred to. As of September children in Year 3 will learn a specfic instrument alongside the curriculum from the Summer term. This will then continue with an instrument in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. The instruments chosen will be progressive amongst themselves.

Co - Curricula music - We have a very active choir (that anyone is able to join) this academic year they have performed at Haslingden and Rawtenstall Tesxo, and Inter Floor. They have also joined a local singing event in Burnley that includes many different schools across the region. Each term we have a production - YR,1 and 2 in the Autumn term, Y3/4 in the Spring and Y5/6 in the Summer. This supports a range of talents including acting and singing.

Musical Experiences - We have a weekly singing assembly, a range of music is played in the school corridors to give a flaour of styles, cultures and to help children develop their tastes in a variety of music styles. Children have the opportunity to perform their talents at our annual Broadway's Got Talent and also Best in Broadway event.

Future - At the end of the academic year 2025, we are planning to have a Musical Evening where children who have music lessons, the Junior children that have been practicing an instrument within the curriculum and anyone who wants to have a go - can show off their talents. We are very excited about the developement of music from September 2024.

How do we adapt our curriculum?

Our Broadway GROW For All document supports our team in tailoring lessons and resources to support our children. We believe that all lessons can be tailored to accomodate any of our children.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum then please do contact school.

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